lördag 23 september 2017

CSI challenge no 237

Hi, I have started to write and scrap stories about myself, and this photos are from 25 years ago when I was teaching piano as an extra job on my free time

As one of the testimony in this month's CSI challenge was about teaching (see link): 
I thought the story about my teaching period (1990-1992) was perfect.

As the colors of my clothes and the background in the photos had a lot of turquoise, I could catch up the scheme-colors very easily. But even if I followed the colors of the scheme, I have most of the white color in the LO. 

From the list of evidence I used: Grid pattern, stripes, triangles, eye glasses, labels, washi tape, school themed stuff.

From the testimony list I used both: "topic school" and "write the story in a little book". 

Here are some closer views:

I started to stamp some music "things" on the background, and I also found the funny stamp-stickers in my boxes. 

I also found a ruler-paper with grids on, and some other stickers (eyeglasses, pen, watch) and the text "playful" that had 2 meanings for me: the students played piano, but my lessons were meant to be very "playful" I mean that the lesson should be a pleasure for the kids (not a constraint). 

Then in the bottom you can see a closer look of the music-washi-tape I really love and use a lot + puffy stickers and triangles.

I'm so happy that I finally could use my clear transparent paper with text that was perfect:
"It is a happy talent to know how to play.."
And then I just added the title "PIANO". (I love how this came out in my LO.)

But I also love the idea from CSI to write the story in a little book, I decided directly to plan for that - when I saw that testimony the very first time.
The black and white small letters you see under the photo of me "Lärare" is Swedish word for "Teacher". I like that the letters had a "school-look". 

Here is the translation of my story: 
In the beginning of my job at KI (Karolinska Institute) I started to teach piano to a daughter of my colleague, and then it continued with more students and finally I had 15 students! The parents thought it was so good that I came home to them in "Hjorthagen", as they both saved time and energy. I had 2 students during 40 minutes and mixed theory and piano, and got 50 kr (5 dollar) per student. I became rich! After a while the parents decided that I should rise the price to 70 kr.  I was at their home about 17.00 and before during the days I was working with my ordinary job between 7.00-16.00. Not strange that I felt asleep standing on the subway sometimes. In the spring time we had concert for the parents and as one mother was priest we could have the concert in the church. This is from the very last concert we had. 

Thanks for watching!
Gunilla R

10 kommentarer:

  1. What a wonderful layout, Gunilla! Love that little book you made to hold your story. The music elements are perfect here. Great use of white space, and the transparent text at the top looks really cool.

  2. Loving your fun design and super cute journaling book! Great solving of the case!

  3. I love this layout. Such a different theme to typical school photos. I also love the little book. Thanks for joining us at CSI.

  4. Oh WOW! I absolutely love your layout and that little book of journaling!! Thank you for playing detective with us at CSI!

    1. Thanks a lot, and I Love to play detective !

  5. This is SO good! Love that little journal book! Thanks for joining us at CSI!
