lördag 30 september 2017

CSI challenge no 237 nr 2

Hi, we in the design team for Project Life in Norway decided to solve the CSI challenge with the same group photo of us. So here is my LO of the photo:

I followed the colors, and used the sketch, and the evidence: grid pattern, speech bubbles, washi tape, school stuff. The testimony was the inspiration word: group. 

Here are some closer views of my evidence and a translate of the journaling in the end:

Speech bubbles.

School stuff (alarm clock).

Washi tape and grid pattern.

Translation of the journaling about group:
"So very funny to meet the whole group in the design team for Project Life in Norway. On the photo, that Bente-Heidis son took of us outside the school where we was, we see: Linda, Bente-Heidi, Elisabeth, Mona (in front), Marit and me. 

Thanks for watching!
Gunilla R 

and a closer photo from the LO (the team PL in Norway)
(What a good memory).

4 kommentarer:

  1. This is a lovely layout, love your clean fresh approach to the LO and the super journaling to tell us about your LO! thank you for joining in with us at CSI!

  2. So cool how you used the same photo and all the layouts are totally different. Love the whimsy of this page!

  3. Just realized all those layouts were by different people. How awesome that you all scrapped this!
