lördag 30 september 2017

CSI No 238

Hi, I'm on a nice scrap meeting with the Project Life in Norway design team, here is my LO for CSI 238 that I made early in the morning today.

And here is the case no 238:

I followed the colors but I used gold as burnt orange (the color was similar I think). From the evidence I used: polka dots, animals, flowers, leaves, eye glasses (very small), string, light bulb (very small), book plates (I think?), enamel dots.
The testimony is both tuck my story inside something, and a september prompt : "what made today worthwile?". 

Some closer views on my evidence:

 Not sure if this is the same as book plates, but I have flowers, polkadots, light bulb.

 Here is glasses and enamel dot.

Here are leaves.

And here is the string, animals and the testimony to hide the story:

 And the testimony to answer a september prompt:

Here is the translation:
What made today worthwile?
So nice to go out on orienteering competition in the morning today. Although I ran in wrong direction it was so nice to get out in the nature. In the afternoon we had coffee and cookies with Jocke. Then on the evening we went to the fire-celebration (a Swedish tradition to celebrate spring 30 of April), together with Hasse and Maria. Nice to meet all neighbours in one place. The dog Billy was searching for food that people dropped. 

Thanks for watching!
Gunilla R

5 kommentarer:

  1. That polka dot vellum is GREAT! Love that you've incorporated so many of the clues - I've always thought the small details (like the blue heart that you've popped up on one side) make the layout shine. I also like that you've combined 2 Testimony prompts for your journaling. Thanks for playing along with us over at CSI!

  2. Thanks a lot, it makes me happy that you saw my little extra details like the heart. /Gunilla

  3. Kjempefin side:) det er så mange fine små detaljer når man ser nærmere. Liker den kjempegodt!

  4. Beautiful page and so many wonderful details. I always love your pages!
